
A New World Theatre Club production for FEATS
Written and directed by Jan Horsburgh.

Performed 3rd June 2001 at the Koninklijke Schouwburg, Den Haag.

.First “Canon”, by Jan Horsburgh, an original script, by The New World Theatre Club, Luxembourg. A wonderful set, terrific use of lighting and scrim curtains, and varied levels and areas of work. Amy, dying in a home, relives her life and the awful effect upon her of the death of her mother, her life in innocence with her father, her marriage, and death of her baby. And we discovered who was really to blame … A wonderful beginning, let down by a lack of volume and conviction from the characters upstage of Amy, who herself gave a great performance, even to reliving the kicks and blows from her angry husband. (Yes, I did think Margaret Love merited Best Actress!)

Mrs. Russell gave us a lot of information (which could perhaps have been included in the programme, as it gave details of the style of acting required and costumes and whys and wherefores – an enormous long amount of information. Good direction for positions (although they weren’t always quite in their light), good costumes and attention to detail. Unfortunately it needed more projection from those up-stage, and a quicker pace, Charles the father needed to vary his tone more. Kevin was a strong performer full of passion, anger and stage presence, Amy gave a lovely performance and the Nurse was good.

This was my second production for the FEATS and full of surprises. Actors on different levels and a huge apple tree on a scrim curtain. Overall I was pleased with the effects and emotions but next time scrim is involved I know to keep it tight and straight.