A New World Theatre Club production.
Directed by Chris Wilson.
Performed 6th to 8th June 2007 at Gasperich Parish Hall.
25th May 2007 at the Koninklijke Schouwburg, The Hague.
Miss Cornelia Scott is a grand, Southern woman whose outer extravagance belies inner insecurities. She has a complex, codependent relationship with her secretary, and during the elections for the local chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy, their tensions reach a tipping point.
In Something Unspoken Tennessee Williams tackles one of his pervasive themes: the inescapable loneliness of the human condition and his characters’ constant and often desperate attempt to escape the reality that is their loneliness – and their subsequent failure to do so.
Something Unspoken is a study of two solitary women. It is a two-character piece about a wealthy Southern spinster, Cornelia, and Grace, a widow who has served as her secretary/companion for 15 years. On this anniversary of their meeting, Cornelia gives Grace 15 roses and begins to speak of her feelings about their long association and her desire for a more intimate relationship.
Grace repeatedly ducks the issue, contriving excuses to change the subject or to leave the room. The play focuses on Cornelia’s need for social position and recognition as well as the emotional boundary between her and Grace that reacts the polarity of their circumstances.